Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Langston Hughes Poem


What happens to a dream deferred?

     Does it dry up
     like a raisin in the sun?
     Or fester like a sore—
     And then run?
     Does it stink like rotten meat?
     Or crust and sugar over—
     like a syrupy sweet?

     Maybe it just sags
     like a heavy load.

     Or does it explode?

Highlight in yellow any similes
Underline any alliteration

Go to your blog and write a review:
Paragraph #1: What is the poem about? What is the theme?  How does that poem relate to any group who doesn’t have their dreams in America?
Paragraph #2: What do you think happens when people don’t get their dreams? Give specific examples to back it up.

Add a picture
Create your own poem about dreams


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